Colleen Wallace Nungarryi was born April 1974, in Alice Springs; she was raised by Kathleen Wallace spending time both in Alice Springs and Santa Teresa Community, south east of Alice Springs. Her fathers’ country is Annamurra near the Harts Range, north east of Alice Springs and her mother’s country is Arrulka near Coniston, west of Alice Springs. Colleen is married to Colin Bird from Mulga Bore Outstation south of the Utopia Region, they have five children.

Colleen began painting in 1990 under the tutelage of her aunties Gabriella and Kathleen Wallace. Her paintings relate to the Pencil Yam Story – Arlatyeye which belongs to Annamurra country.  Colleen also paints awelye – women’s ceremony and Dreamtime Sisters who dance the stories surrounding the Pencil Yam Dreaming.

Colleen’s paintings can be found in many private collections both in Australia and overseas.  Her work has been represented in many group exhibitions.